Delivery fees for orders from the Online Shop?

Orders under $60

There will be a $5 delivery fee added to your order total.

Orders over $60

Delivery will be Free

How long will delivery take?

Upon order confirmation, your order will be delivered within 2 hours. If for any reason we can’t make it in that time you will be updated via text.

What exactly happens after ordering?

Once your order has been confirmed, your order will get sent to our dispatcher.

Our dispatcher will then send that order over to an available driver.

The driver will then pack your order up at our warehouse.

Once the orders have been packed he/she will then deliver the packages in the order that they were received.


Monday10:00AM - 1:00AM
Tuesday10:00AM - 1:00AM
Wedneday10:00AM - 1:00AM
Thursday10:00AM - 1:00AM
Friday10:00AM - 1:00AM
Saturday10:00AM - 1:00AM
Sunday10:00AM - 1:00AM

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